A classic smoothie, this recipe is a perfect option for vegan people. Packed...
Remember the sunshine yellow paste that is applied on the groom and the...
Mayonnaise, a condiment item we tend to grab at the store because we...
The best salsa is made with fresh tomatoes. Why not make homemade Salsa...
A miracle ingredient, Sazon is a mixture of spices used in almost every...
The perfect dish to serve with Pasta, potatoes, and vegetables.Creamy, easy, and simple...
A healthy smoothie with the season’s most popular flavors – a Pumpkin Spice...
Our mothers used to pack lots of Aachar and Chutneys while traveling because...
Vibrant & refreshing, this sweet-tart Sensational Slush is a family favorite, perfect for...
Do you have a sweet tooth? Here is Coconut Milk Strawberry-Banana Pops, a...
If you have a reason to celebrate, then try Orange Dream Mimosas for...
Old age people are the most pampered ones in a family. They show...
If you are looking for something that can be cooked in only a...
Everyone needs a versatile barbecue sauce," Matt Horn says in his cookbook, Horn...
Guacamole: An Avocado based dip! Guacamole is an avocado-based dip that originated in...
This homemade Chicken Baby Food is a great addition to your baby's favorite...
Supercharge your day with a glass full of taste & happiness poured in...
This cocktail is so fun and perfect for your new year's eve or...
This homemade, no-churn Blender Vegan Vanilla Ice Cream is ultra-smooth and creamy and...
Inviting some guests over, this spicy & scrumptious Yellow Curry is a perfect...
For your weekday busy mornings, this instant Moong Dal Chilla recipe is perfect...
Punjabi Lassi is a pure “Desi Delight” loved by every Indian family. This...
Kick off your brand new year with this mouthwatering breakfast, and fill your...
Truly the best egg salad toast recipe you are going to try with...
The Snack: Post-run healthy slushy! Remember how you used to beg your parents...
Filling, nutritious, and lip-smacking, our ‘Creamy Avocado Kale Smoothie’ is packed with health...
Don’t we all love chocolate and peanut butter? Combining these two for an...
Looking to gain weight? Here is a recipe to help you build some...
If you’re someone who wants to lose weight and try a recipe that...
A mixture of pink lemonade and cranberry juice, the punch can be enhanced,...
The secret to making a perfect salad is the difference between a good...
A powerhouse smoothie loaded with calcium and Vitamin-C; our ‘Berry Explosion’ is a...
It might be named after a cake, but this smoothie counts as dinner....